Terms & Conditions internship/traineeship Stage-Asia
Article 1. Definitions
The terms of this agreement are defined as follows:
Stage-Asia: Part of Stage-Global Inc, located in New York City, USA, the owner.
Applicant: Any person who fills out a Stage-Asia application and has an interview with a Stage-Asia representative. This person is free of any obligations up until the point of paying the deposit (post interview).
Participant: Any person to whom Stage-Asia provides its service, or any person with whom Stage-Asia has an agreement or with whom Stage-Asia is in negotiation of an agreement.
Program: The service which the participant applies for (internship, graduation assignment, traineeship, visa service, work & travel).
Position: The tasks and description of the program of the host company provided to the participant by Stage- Asia.
Host company: The business located abroad where the participant potentially participates in the program.
Agreement: Any arrangement made between Stage-Asia and the participant or any change that follows.
Article 2. Obligations of Stage-Asia
Stage-Asia is obligated to provide the services that are sold.
Article 3. Terms & Conditions
- Terms and conditions: One or more terms developed in order to include a number of agreements, with the exception of terms that form the core of the common language.
- The one taking part in a Stage-Asia program, called the participant, must agree to the general conditions or they must make it clear if something in the agreement is unknown. The participant agrees to these terms upon payment of the deposit.
Article 4. Approval of the Terms & Conditions
Filling out the application form is free of obligations. After filling out the application form, applicant can have an obligation-free interview with a Stage-Asia representative. Stage-Asia and the applicant may come to an agreement during this interview. After possibly coming to an agreement about a program during the interview, the applicant has the option to pay the deposit. By paying the deposit, applicant agrees to the terms and conditions and becomes a participant.
Article 5. Canceling the Program
Article 5a: Stage-Asia is not liable for the results of the participant during the program period at the host company. If the participant gets fired due to the fault of the participant, Stage-Asia can find another program placement.
Article 5b: Stage-Asia is not liable or responsible for any problems arising due to the school results of the participant. If the participant’s school results for any reason effect the program dates or their ability to take part in the program, the participant will still be charged the full mediation cost of the program.
Article 6. Flight
Article 6a: If there is any change in the flight to the destination, Stage-Asia is not responsible. If the participant is not present on the start date of his or her program, or if the host company cancels the program, Stage-Asia is not responsible. The participant has the option of having Stage-Asia look for a new program for an additional fee.
Article 7. Housing
Housing will be arranged by Stage-Asia. Stage-Asia is not responsible for possible damage or disturbance caused by the participant. On the website www.stage-asia.com, Stage-Asia provides housing price estimates.
Article 8. Application & Payments
Article 8a: The filling out of the application form by the applicant on the Stage-Asia website is free of obligation. The applicant will be contacted after filling out the application form to set up an intake interview. During this interview, the applicant will discuss his or her internship needs and come to an agreement with the Stage-Asia representative. If the applicant wishes to continue using the services of Stage-Asia, he or she will then pay the deposit and sign the Program Agreement. Paying the deposit and signing the Program Agreement also means agreeing to the Terms & Conditions of Stage-Asia. The applicant will not be charged for the deposit until he or she agrees to continue using the services of Stage-Asia. The deposit is $500.
Article 8b: During the interview, the applicant will give an accurate description of the type of program he or she wishes to participate in. This description will be included in the Program Agreement that the applicant will sign when paying the deposit. Based on the description provided by the applicant, Stage-Asia will attempt to match the needs as closely as possible. If the participant or the educational institution of the participant does not agree to the program found by Stage-Asia, but the program matches the needs described by the participant during the interview and signed in the Program Agreement, the deposit will not be returned. When Stage-Asia finds a suitable position based on the Program Agreement, and the participant agrees to this position, the participant will be charged the remaining mediation cost. The agreement to the position can be given either verbally or in writing by the participant to Stage-Asia. There are exceptions to this rule based on Article 8c.
Article 8c: A participant can cancel the program in the case of an immediate family member passing away. In this case, the participant will receive $200 of the deposit back. If the participant has already been hired for a program, the program and visa costs will not be reimbursed.
Article 8d: Stage-Asia offers an unlimited number of Host Company options. If the participant cancels the program, and has either been introduced at 2 or more Host Companies, denied 2 or more Host Companies or applicant turned down 2 or more Host Companies, the deposit will not be reimbursed.
Article 8e: The invoices from Stage-Asia must be paid within 10 days. If it is not paid within 10 days, Stage-Asia will send a reminder and the invoice must be paid within 5 days from that point. If the amount is not paid within those 5 days, a collection agency will be contacted and the participant will be charged an extra fee. Invoices will be sent online by email.
Article 8f: Reimbursements of the deposit is $200 and will be refunded by Stage-Asia to the participant if the participant meets the following requirements:
- Stage-Asia has up to 3 weeks before the agreed start date of the program that is listed on the Program Agreement to find a suitable program for the participant and Stage-Asia has at least 2 months time to find a suitable position. These two months start once the deposit is paid and the resume and motivation letter of the participant are checked and given final approval by Stage-Asia.
- When a participant agrees to a position verbally or in writing, the deposit will not be reimbursed and the participant will be charged the full mediation cost.
- The participant is responsible for the position and program description during the interview. If any other involved institutions to not agree with the program or position offer, the participant is responsible. The participant must inform Stage-Asia during the interview of all the restrictions of any other parties involved.
- Refunds are not provided in case of cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances outside the influence of either participant or Stage-Asia.