Meet Laura in London!

We asked Laura to share some of the experiences she made in London.
Why did you choose to go abroad?
I’ve always wanted to live abroad, it’s like the feeling that you need to do it. I wanted to learn more about other cultures.
How did you find your internship?
I found my internship through Stagemarkt. This is a website that shows accredited company’s in the Netherlands, but also abroad.
How do you feel about your internship so far?
I love it. It’s as simple as that, the company that I work for is amazing and I know I have been very lucky. In the interior design world, you have to work hard as an intern to improve your skills and be included in projects. My intern company gave me incredible opportunities that I could only have dreamed of.
How does the English culture differ from your culture and what has impressed you the most?
I can’t say that there is a huge gap between the two. I did find that London has a culture of itself beside its English culture. Because there are so many cultures represented in London, it’s like you find something new every time you go out. What impressed me the most, are their parks to be honest with you. I never knew that London was that green, and on a sunny day it is common to go to the park to just chill out.
Could you take us through a day? What is your routine?
I would wake up around 7.30 am and get ready for my day at work. At 8.20 I would leave my apartment and walk to the train station to catch a train to the office. My workday was from 9 am till 6 pm, and during that I would work on projects or have meetings with our clients. Coming back to my apartment around 6.40 pm I would change into my workout gear and go for a run along the Thames, on my way back I would either get a salad from the market or make some dinner when I got home. Some nights I have made plans with friends to get a drink or something. I always tried to be back in my room at 11 so that I could wind down from the day and get myself ready for bed.
What is your housing situation? Do you live in an apartment? Roommates? Housemates?
I lived in a student’s accommodations. I would definitely recommend it. But I will say that, because I moved in in the middle of second semester, people had already made friends and it isn’t easy to find a group that you click with. I found friends outside of my accommodations.
Have you made any trips so far?
I have been to Brighton and Cambridge. Besides that, I have been taking my time to discover London itself.
What are your future plans?
I will finish my studies back in the Netherlands, but after that I am going back to London. I feel incredible grateful when I say that the company has offered me a position in their firm for next year.
How has this experience abroad helped you grow both professionally and personally?
Yes, it definitely has. I feel like I am much more confident in my job and that you should always listen to your instinct. Personally, I’ve grown in a way that I was not expecting.
Why would you recommend others to do their internship/traineeship abroad?
I know that almost everyone says this, but it is a life experience. You will come back with more knowledge not only of the world, but also of yourself.
If you could express your internship experience in three words, what would these be?
Life changing, incredible, fun