Meet Ricardo in Chicago

Meet Ricadro who went to Chicago to do an Internship in accountancy, he wanted to expanded his worldview and increase his overall resilience, giving him an opportunity to reflect and discover himself. But most importantly build a brighter future for himself. Read the full interview here:
Why did you choose to go abroad?
I chose to go abroad because I knew that this would give me the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture, language, and location, which I understood would lead to my personal growth and development. This has helped me in acquiring new skills, gaining fresh perspectives, and developing greater independence.
How does American culture differ from your culture and what has impressed you the most?
I would definitely say that the culture here in the US is more outgoing and open. Whereas in the Philippines, most people tend to be shy and reserved. I’ve definitely learned how to engage in any conversation and make the most out of it by gaining new friends/connections.
Could you take us through a day? What were your routines?
I would normally wake up are 7 in the morning to get ready for work. Travel going to the train station which normally takes 5-20 mins depending if I’d want to take any transportation or walk. I then take the Metro which takes about 30 mins to get to the city where I walk for another 10 mins to get to the office. I’d say its quite an active morning to start the day off but I’m very happy with it. Do internship trainings from 9-5:30pm. Head back home the same way.
How has this experience abroad helped you grow personally
I would say that I have been stepping out of my comfort zone and have become more self-reliant. I’ve been able to explore more interests without relying on others and gained a deeper appreciation for the things I have in my life. Moreover, I can gladly say that I’ve made a great network of friends and professional contacts from different backgrounds.
Why would you recommend others to do a program abroad?
I would absolutely recommend others to do a program abroad because aside from an expanded worldview it would increase your overall resilience, give you an opportunity to reflect/discover yourself, and most importantly build a brighter future for you.
If you could express your experience in three words, what would these be?
Grateful, Phenomenal, Unforgettable.